NRPM Lunch and Learns - National Runaway Safeline

National Runaway Safeline


We are excited to share the details of our “Lunch & Learn” series to be held throughout November – and we encourage you to join us for these virtual events.

NRPM Roundtable: The Intersection of
Mental Health and Youth Homelessness

The National Runaway Safeline’s Chief Program Officer Sam Gillis presented key findings related to mental health issues that are highlighted in the new NRS Crisis Services and Prevention Report. Sam then led a moderated discussion featuring Runaway and Homeless Youth providers. These organization representatives shared mental health-related trends seen in their communities, discussed how their organization has successfully addressed the rising challenges, and more. 

What the Data is Telling Us:
Release of the 2021 National Runaway Safeline
Crisis Services & Prevention Report

Attendees heard about key findings and trends detailed in the new data report, implications for the National Runaway Safeline’s programs and priorities, and recommendations for service providers. Presenters included NRS’s CEO Susan Frankel, NRS’s Chief Program Officer Sam Gillis, and Dr. Melissa Kull of Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.

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